Failed Hair Transplant
Failed Hair Transplant Despite the high success rate that the hair transplant operation has reached during the last decade, thousands of patients who underwent this procedure around the world have unfortunately faced a failed hair transplant for numerous reasons. If you want to know more details about this topic, read the following article because it will answer all the frequently asked queries that may come to your mind when you think of this issue including: What are the factors that may lead to a failed hair transplant? Is there any possible solution to save my hair in case I experience a hair transplant failure? And how may I avoid this matter from occurring in case I did or I am willing to undergo a hair Transplant process in the future?
Hair Transplant Procedure
Hair Transplant Procedure Hair loss is regarded as one of the most prevalent issues that thousands and millions of people around the world are suffering from. This vexing and exasperating matter which horribly affects our self-esteem and disturbs our inner peace leading to countless psychological issues, could be actually classified into two categories: the temporary hair loss, which lasts for a finite period of time due to a partial damage of either the hair or the hair follicles,which could be solved using hair products or non-surgical therapies like the Platelet-rich plasma, the low-laser therapy, and the chronic or hereditary hair loss, which leads to the total death of hair follicles, causing partial and sometimes total baldness, and could be only solved through one way which is the hair transplant procedure.
How Can I Prevent Hair Loss?
How Can I Prevent Hair Loss? As hair loss has become a highly common issue that affects millions of people worldwide: males and females, youth and adults, one of the most repeatedly and often asked questions is the following: how can I prevent hair loss? . So what is hair loss in the first place? How can I tell that I am experiencing this issue and differentiate between the natural cyclic hair loss and the unnatural one? Is it curable? And if it is possible to prevent it from occurring, how can I prevent hair loss? Keep reading this article, and you will get the answers.
Multiple Hair Transplant 
Multiple Hair Transplant For different cases and various types of hair loss such as the hereditary hair shedding and the Androgenetic alopecia, the only possible solution to get rid of this problem and cover the bald areas is the hair transplant. This procedure is done using multiple methods which makes it confusing and difficult for a lot of people to know what is the best method so far to get a perfect result as expected.  If you want to know more about multiple hair transplant methods, read the following article as it will illustrate the existing techniques, the difference between them and the best existing method so far. 
Hair Growth Surgery
Hair Growth Surgery In the early 50s, hair growth surgery,   known now as the hair  transplant operation, had been invented by the American dermatologist  Dr. Norman Orentreich in New York using the hair plugs. Since then, numerous techniques have been developed in order to enhance  the results and reduce the potential damage. So what is a hair growth surgery? How much does it cost? Who is eligible for it? And what is the best and most effective method so far?
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