Losing Over 100 Hairs a Day
Losing Over 100 Hairs a Day Each of our hairs that we lose and shed during the day can be a messenger for us. What might our messengers want to tell us? Did you calculate how many strands our hair shed a day and say goodbye to us? 
How to Stop Hair Loss From Medication?
How to Stop Hair Loss From Medication? Hair loss might only impact the scalp or the whole body and it may be temporary or permanent. Inheritance, hormonal changes, medical problems, or a natural part of aging may result in this. Anybody can lose their head's hair, but in males, it is more likely. Usually, baldness refers to excessive loss of hair from your scalp. The most-known cause of hair loss is inherited hair loss. Some people have the tendency to let hair loss run its purpose. Others with hairstyles, lipstick, hats, or scarves can cover it up. Yet still, some select one of the available treatments to stop further loss of hair or maintain growth. Speak to our doctor about the source of your hair loss and possible treatments before you seek hair loss treatment.
Why Do Women Loss Hair After Pregnancy?
Why Do Women Loss Hair After Pregnancy? During pregnancy, many pregnant women have hair loss problems. This worries pregnant women. Many pregnant women wonder and investigate the reasons for this. Let's talk about the curious issues about the causes of hair loss during pregnancy!
Why Does Hair Fall Out At a Young Age?
Why Does Hair Fall Out At a Young Age? There are many reasons behind the early hair loss. Some of these reasons are; we can list reasons such as hereditary structure, hormonal disorders, irregular and unbalanced diet, stress, wrong product use, and wrong hair applications, iron deficiency. 
M Pattern Hair Loss
M Pattern Hair Loss Male baldness is related to genes and male sex hormones. It usually occurs on the crown with the pattern of the receding hairline and the thinning of the hair. Each hair strand is in a tiny hole called a follicle in the skin. Baldness typically occurs as the hair follicle shrinks over time, resulting in hair that is shorter and thinner. Follicles stay alive, showing that it is still possible to grow fresh hair. Hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss, affecting all men as they grow older to some degree. This process starts as early as the late teens for a few men. By the age of 60, there was a degree of hair loss in most people. Some men are not disturbed by this. Others, however, face severe emotional distress due to loss of self-esteem and, in some situations, depression.
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