Hair Transplant For Women
Hair Transplant For Women, The hair has always been one of the essential parts of a woman’s beauty. Therefore, hair loss in women may sometimes become much more uncomfortable than it is for men. Although there are many products on the market that offer hair restoration, none of them really do anything.
What Is the Best Age for Hair Transplant?
What Is the Best Age for Hair Transplant? Is there an ideal age for having a hair transplant? Many people who consider having a hair transplant ask this question. Especially the younger candidates. But we have to say that there isn’t a straightforward answer to this question.
Hair Transplant Recovery Process
Hair Transplant Recovery Process, So, you have finally decided to have a hair transplant and get rid of your balding spots permanently. You have probably been gathering all sorts of information in detail about hair transplants to get yourself ready for the operation.
Hair Transplant Grafts: Do I Need 7000 Grafts?
Hair Transplant Grafts: Do I Need 7000 Grafts? After deciding to have a hair transplant operation, the most curious issue is the number of grafts. But first, what does graft mean? It means a piece of tissue prepared to be planted in the bald area. This tissue piece is taken from your donor area and ready for planting. 
DHI Hair Transplant Advantages
DHI Hair Transplant Advantages, In most of the hair transplantation operations, we primarily suggest the Direct Hair Transplantation method. Since it is a relatively new type of hair transplantation procedure, we get a lot of questions about the DHI method and its many advantages. First of all, let us explain what is DHI.
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