Does Hair Transplant Work?
Does Hair Transplant Work? Hair loss is a very common issue for people all around the world. It happens to both men and women due to environmental and/or genetic factors. Though it is usually treated by medications, it is proved that the medications can only slow down the process of losing the hair as opposed to growing new hair.
Is Stress Causing Hair Loss?
Is Stress Causing Hair Loss? These days, after the urbanized structure, there are a lot of people who experience stress due to constant density and activity in their lives. With these lifestyle changes, we adapt to a new normal. However, our personal problems, family life, intense work and responsibilities, financial difficulties, and traffic that we spend hours on every day may be the cause of this stress we are exposed to.
Hair Loss In Women
Hair Loss In Women, Hair loss does not only happen to men. While most think of men when hair loss comes to mind, females can suffer from It just as frequently. It is normal for women to lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day. Images of pillows and combs full of clusters of hair come to mind. 
Hair Transplantation Results
Hair Transplantation Results, With the recent developments in the hair transplantation techniques, today, procedures are more successful than the past. Demand for hair transplantation operations led to a great development for hair transplantation technologies.
Hair Transplant Cost
Hair transplant cost is one of the first aspects for those who would like to get a hair transplant. First of all, you should know that prices vary according to several factors. Among these factors, the most critical ones are;
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