Conte Hair Transplant
Conte Hair Transplant. The topic of ’Conte hair transplant' is often wondered by many. Hair transplantation has become a popular procedure used to regain old hair. Among many celebrities, hair transplant has become quite
attractive thanks to new techniques that are developing and constantly updated technology. Many important people, from famous footballers to players, have had hair transplants.
How Long Does A Hair Transplant Take?
How Long Does A Hair Transplant Take? The duration of the hair transplant process varies depending on the number of grafts and Sessions to be performed. Before the procedure, planning is done by properly evaluating the areas in which the patients ' hair is lost and the capacity of the hair in the area where the hair will be taken. Hair transplant can take approximately 6 to 9 hours depending on the number of grafts to be performed. However, these periods may also differ based on the experience of the doctor and his team. A hair transplant can be considered a minor surgical operation. You should prepare yourself for a hair transplant 1 week before the operation. You should stop using androgenic drugs and blood thinners in consultation with your doctor. During this time, you should not drink alcohol and dye your hair. On the day of the procedure, products such as jelly and spray should not be applied to your hair and your hair should be clean.
Hair Loss Surgery
Hair Loss Surgery, Hair loss surgery is the most popular aesthetic operation performed by people with hair loss today. Hair loss surgery is the process of transferring the healthy grafts from the nape area (the area between the two ears and the healthy hair that does not shed) to the bald area by removing them one by one. Hair Loss Surgery Process?
Hair Follicle Surgery
Hair follicle surgery is an important treatment for people with hair loss or baldness problems. The purpose of hair follicle surgery is to ensure that people with baldness and hair loss regain their hair. In the hair follicle surgery method, the hair follicles to be transplanted are taken from the neck and transplanted to places where there is no hair or where there is a loss. Thus, the transplanted hair begins to grow and the baldness problem is eliminated. Hair follicle surgery is the best treatment method used today and its results are guaranteed. 97 of every 100 hair transplanted will grow. In some people, even 99% of the transplanted hair can grow.
Best Hairline Transplant Surgeon
Best Hairline Transplant Surgeon The most important point of the hair transplant process is that naturalness can be given to the front hairline. The surgeon who will form the hairline should also reveal artistic personality and agility. When creating a natural hairline, the person's forehead opening, the number of grafts taken from the donor area, the person's age, and expectations should be taken into account. If a hair transplant is natural, it is most often understood by looking at the hairline. The hairline determined is one of the most important stages of this process. For this reason, the best hairline transplant surgeon should be carefully investigated for such procedures.
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