Unshaven Hair Transplant

Unshaven Hair Transplant

The aim of maintaining more comfortable and successful transplant operations has led to various studies in the field. Unshaven hair transplant or hair transplant without shaving is one of the latest techniques in hair transplant. Especially women with hair longer than 15 cm are more than happy with the results. Therefore, more and more women prefer hair transplant without shaving to regain their healthy hair.

On the other hand, men who do not want to change their hairstyle or shave their hair can also use this technique. However, the method needs a meticulous and intense work for better results. Therefore, you should be extremely careful while selecting the right facility. Experienced and capable hands enable more successful results.

Unshaven Hair Transplant 

The main logic behind shaving the hair before classical transplant operations are that the doctor and the team can see the hair follicles more easily and the mobility in the planting area is more comfortable. It is not difficult to have classical FUE transplant for men who are accustomed to using their hair short. However, it is difficult for women and some men who do not want to cut their hair before the procedure. Therefore, unshaven hair transplant, which is a relatively new technique, enables the experts to perform hair transplant without shaving hair completely. 

There are two methods to perform an hair transplant without shaving. 

  • Regional Trimming:

Hair transplant doctors can transplant 1000-1500 grafts with regional trimming. They shave only a small part of the donor area, which is usually a rectangular area measuring 10*5. 

  • Completely Unshaven Hair Transplant:

Especially women with long hair who use their hair longer than 15 cm prefer this method. Classical FUE and DHI hair transplant are applicable for this technique. Compared to regional trimming ad classical FUE, it is an intensive and long-term practice. The specialist doctors analyze the eligibility of the patient to perform this technique. 

Unshaven Hair Transplant Turkey 

Turkey is one of the few countries which offer unshaven hair transplant. Thousands of people prefer having hair transplant without shaving due to its tempting advantages. Turkey has a high success rate in unshaven hair transplant procedures. The facilities have experienced doctors and hair specialists in the field of hair transplant. Our priority as a medical tourism agent is to satisfy the customers who come to Turkey for hair transplant operations. 

Unshaven Hair Transplant Costs 

In this technique, operation prices change due to more labour and time requirement. Longer operation time and the risk of success in hair transplant without shaving increases the no shave hair transplant costs naturally. The comfort of the patient and the success of the operation is more important than the price point. You can find the quality of service with expert staff in our contracted hospitals.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Results 

The first ten days after hair transplant without shaving, the roots are in the healing process. The most important indicator of this healing process is crusting. Crusting is a temporary process which will pass after repeated lotion wash. 

You may experience itching due to newly emerging hair follicles trying to reach the skin surface. Between one to three months, depending on the person, you can experience shock hair loss. After the loss, your new hair begins to grow, and the phase is completed after six months. 

Usually, no shave hair transplant results are as successful as other methods. Our contracted clinics are responsible for the success of the operation. Almost all unshaven hair transplant results, which are in our contracted doctor’s capable hands, are successful. We have a policy of 100% customer satisfaction at reasonable prices.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Advantages 

This technique does not provide an advantage for the doctor, while there are several no shave hair transplant advantages for the patient. 

  • This technique camouflages the non-aesthetic postoperative appearance.
  • You do not have to give up your existing hairstyle before and after the operation.
  • You can return to your daily life is much faster.
  • It prevents women from waiting for years to have their average hair length.

The technique became a preferred one which is tempting advantages. These advantages help people have a more comfortable postoperative period.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Disadvantages 

In addition to these advantages, no shave hair transplant disadvantages may make you frustrated.

  • No shave hair transplantation requires much more effort and patience, especially for the hair transplant team.
  • Hygienic environment is more difficult to provide.
  • Pricing may be higher in no shave hair transplant operations.
  • There is a bit higher risk of postoperative complications. The patient may need to pay more attention.

Although there are more than one disadvantages, you can overcome them by paying more attention. Extensive care and periodical examinations will be very effective to eliminate these advantages.

Are there any precautions that I should take before getting a hair transplant ?

Of course, during the online/ first consultation, the doctor will prepare you mentally and physically for a hair transplant where he/she will present a list of precautions that need to be implemented such as cutting of any medication or hair product that contains chemicals that harms the grafts, smocking before the operation, fasting before the operation. etc.

Will I be able to dye my hair after a hair transplant ?

For the first 6 months, it's not advisable to use any high chemicals on your scalp. It is advisable to be patient until you finish the recovery process.

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