Beginning Of Balding

Beginning Of Balding When does balding start exactly? This is a question many people ask when they see hair falls from certain spots on their heads, leaving the area bald as it can be. It is also a big issue since it causes low self-esteem and even depression among many people. How your hair looks is culturally a big issue in peoples’ image, hair is often associated with virility, youth, and even success. Losing our hair therefore hurts our confidence and makes our life much harder than it should.

Due to aging, our hair follicles lose strength, this is the main reason for losing hair. There are many different reasons. And each reason, thanks to science, has a different solution. These solutions vary from hair transplant which employs the best hair transplant techniques with the advancement of technology nowadays, to laser cap treatments and even simplest supplements may create a great difference. Knowing what causes hair loss is also quite important for preventing this nearly unavoidable but easily solved issue.

Reasons for hair loss

Beginning Of Balding Hair loss may have many reasons, and yes some of them occur only on select areas such as the sides of your head. The reasons that result in losing your hair are as follows,

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Internal reasons

Heredity: Beginning Of Balding genetic factors that manifest themselves with the passing of years are easily the cause that is seen more widely than others. This means if your parents (or even uncles) have bald spots, you are at risk of balding much more than others. This condition is named androgenic alopecia, this kind of loss happens due to hereditary factors. It is a step by step process so you won’t wake up one day and find yourself bald. Losing hair due to this reason is quite predictable. Hair starts to weaken with age, your follicles cannot reproduce hair as fast as it is lost, and therefore balding occurs on the whole head or on select spots. Bald spots are quite common if you suffer from this kind of hair loss.

Issues caused by hormonal or medical conditions: There are many hormonal adjustments that happen in our bodies during our life. The most notable ones are childbirth, thyroid problems, pregnancy, menopause. All of these steps in our life may result in complete hair loss. Hair loss may also be partial. Issues stemming from the immune system and accompanying health conditions that result from the said condition may also be guilty of causing loss of your hair. Our scalp may get infected, our immune system may get confused due to genetic or external factors and deem body-hair as alien, etc. These reasons are easier to treat since they are usually temporary.

External factors

  • Medications, diet, drugs: Certain harmful drugs, especially narcotics do not only cause addiction and even eventually death, but they also cause hair loss. Medications, which is needed to cure many ailments that can even be deadly if left alone, may cause loss of your hair. Especially medications for arthritis, cancer, gout, depression, cancer, and even your blood pressure are known to be among many reasons for hair loss. Dietary preferences, especially malnutrition may also be a huge factor for the health of your hair.
  • Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy is a treatment method mainly used on cancer patients. Radiation is used to kill and/or prevent the growth of cancer cells. This treatment is often necessary for the patient to recover from this dreadful illness, it nearly always results in hair loss. Sometimes, depending on the amount of radiation used which varies with the progression of cancer, hair may not be able to regrow after the treatment. Even if the hair grows back again, sometimes hair may not be able to regain its lustrous glow back.

Aside from these, there are also reasons like hairstyling done wrongfully or trauma, which can either be either emotional or physical, maybe a reason for the loss of your hair. These reasons sometimes result in partial baldness or complete loss of your hair or simply losing hair from the sides of your head. Either of these can be prevented by avoiding the reasons which cause hair loss, taking natural, noninvasive supplements, applying laser cap treatments, or hair transplant operations.

Can hair loss be prevented?

Hair loss may be prevented. Even if you can’t avoid it, by using top of the line products on your hair, you can keep your hair the way you want it easily.

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While some preventative measures might stop or halt the loss of your hair, Even if you can’t avoid losing hair, you can always regrow it. Technology has advanced really far in helping people with hair loss. We offer the best hair transplant in Turkey while employing the best hair transplant techniques with our expert staff.

What can I do?

Using hair care products recommended by experts in the field may help your hair to regain its vitality back. We offer the best hair care products available on the market for competitive prices. For permanent hair loss or balding on the sides, you might need to go through a hair transplant operation. For this kind of hair loss, we offer the best hair transplant in Turkey for affordable prices. Beginning Of Balding

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