How Much Does It Cost to Get a Hair Transplant

How Much Does It Cost to Get a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is a surgical process for implanting hair on bald areas of the scalp. Hair transplant has different techniques and each technique has one goal. It is to implant removed hair follicles on the bald area of the head. People have been dealing with hair loss due to aging, smoking, drinking, bad eating habits, genetic reasons, medical conditions and also stress. Nearly all men lose most of their head by the age 50.

Women also lose their hair and start to have a thinning hair as they grow old. Not only age but also the factors affect one’s hair health too. Anyone young who deals with so much stress can also lose some of their head as they come to their twenties. It is truly a gift and a lot of people are curious how much does it cost to get a hair transplant. One or multiple sessions help to get a better, natural looking hair with permanent results.

FUE Hair Transplant Cost

People who are curious get hair transplant might heard of FUE. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant technique. It is the most popular and the used technique for hair transplantation. FUE was created after FUT and it is truly better than FUT. It is possible to get a natural looking hair transplantation with FUE. Prices are quite affordable when it comes to how much does it cost to get a hair transplant FUE. Different locations have different prices but on average FUE hair transplantation costs start from $1500. A lot of hair transplant clinics put these prices per grafts that will be implanted. So, the answer to how much does it cost to get a hair transplant for FUE depends on the number of hair follicles or grafts that will be implanted.

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FUT Hair Transplant Costs

FUT or Follicular Unit Transplanty is an old technique for hair transplantation. It was really popular when it was the only hair transplantation technique. Almost every hair transplant clinic still uses FUT hair transplant technique but a lot of people prefer to get DHI hair transplant or FUE hair transplant.

However, the prices are higher than FUE if patients are curious about how much does it cost to get a hair transplant FUT since it is an old technique. Prices for FUT hair transplant is also depends on the grafts too. Per 1000 grafts the minimum price starts at $2100. On average the prices are around $2650. So, prices start from $2100 and it can be even higher than $4000 when it comes to how much does it cost to get a hair transplant for FUT.

Hair Transplant DHI Cost

DHI is the newest option for those who wants to better option for getting a hair transplant. DHI promises so many things that are different from every hair transplant technique. The first promise is that the surgery process is faster than any other technique. In DHI, doctors can open canals and also implant hair follicles at the same time unlike FUE or FUT. The recovery time period is faster and better in DHI. There are no scars left after getting a DHI hair transplant too.

People ask “How much does it cost to get a hair transplant for DHI?” since DHI has many advantages. DHI also gets priced based on grafts too. On average, DHI hair transplantation costs $2550 but it is possible find cheaper options such as $1250. The prices can go higher such as $4800 as the quality of the doctor and the clinic improves.

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Hair Transplant Cost per Graft

Hair transplantation is truly a demanding process for surgeons. It is so important not to harm scalp and make important mistakes. Hair transplantation is usually prices depending on the number of the grafts or the hair follicles. Doctors remove hair follicles from donor area during every hair transplant surgery.

This removed hair follicles or grafts then get implanted into the bald area. Grafts also effect the prices since the number of the hair follicles can also affect the number of sessions and hours. Some clinics might put their prices per grafts while some clinic put their prices depending on the sessions.

A lot of clinics put their prices depending on the number of the grafts that will be implanted. So, first patients should learn the number of graft when it comes to how much does it cost to get a hair transplant per grafts. Some clinics do it per 2500 grafts while some do it per 10 grafts.

FUE Hair Transplant Process

FUE hair transplantation process starts with a doctor shaving the donor area and the targeted area. Donor area is the areas where they remove the hair follicles from. A donor area can be the back of the head, sides of the head, beards, arms and also chest areas.

It shows difference since everyone has different type of hair on their body. A doctor cleans the scalp and put the patient on anesthesia after shaving the donor area and the targeted area. Then the doctor removes hair follicles from the donor area one by one and then opens canals on the targeted area.

After that, the doctor implant these hair follicles into these canals. So, when it comes how much does it cost to get a hair transplant question, definitely even the higher prices would worth for this demanding surgery process.

Hair Transplant DHI Process

DHI or Direct Hair Implant has same process as FUE but the tools used are different from each other. DHI was originally created after FUE, so it is based on FUE when it comes to surgery process. In DHI, they also shave the donor and the targeted areas.

They remove the hair follicles from the donor area by a help of a specialized tool for DHI. This tool collects all these hair follicles and then implant them into the bald area. It is quite cheap when it comes to how much does it cost to get a hair transplant DHI since it is a high technology. How much does it cost to get a hair transplant has many answers.

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